
Why Videos


  • A video in Google’s index is 53 timesmore likely to appear on the first page search results
  • After Google, Youtube is the world’s second largest search engine serving billions of views daily
  • Using the word “video in email subject lines boosts open rates 19%,click-through rates by 65%, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%.
  • 85% of the consumers who watch product videos are more likely to buy products vs. those who don’t
  • 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video
  • 73% of online retailers display videos on their websites
  • 66% of consumers will watch a product video two or more times
  • 60% of C-level executives would watch video previous to reading text on the same website
  • 58% is the percentage of users who remember more by watching video vs. just reading alone
  • 20% open rates boost when videos are in an email, and increase click-through rates 2-3X

Very much a B2B sell:

  • Send a video of your property as part of an eProposal to group inquiries
  • Helps you stand out from competitors
  • Provides personalization

Integrate videos into the sale cycle

  • Videos can be used throughout the revenue cycle, before, during and even after a sale is made as a way to up-sell. The challenge lies in figuring out how to fit video into the overall marketing strategy.
  • To have a library of videos that can be used in all stages of the revenue cycle
  • To embed videos on the hotel website or on lead form pages
  • To allow videos to be repurposed and used by the sales team as a means for more personalization with groups etc.

Different points in the cycle for hospitality industry

  • Lead Generation – building awareness, having videos that can be searched for and found on different external channels e.g. Youtube.
  • Having video to help increase conversion rates on website
  • Utilizing videos on external aggregate channels e.g. Tripadvisor,, expedia etc.

Sources:, Forbes, Internet Retailer, Forrester and Ad-Ology